“I have it on good authority that Republicans in the Senate will bring up a national abortion law sometime this week which will have mandated time of 15 weeks, which is what the Mississippi law calls for,” Lego cosplayer and Trump advisor Sean Hannity said on his Fox show, likely because he was golfing with Republican leaders and Devin Nunes at Trump’s Virginia golf club.
Hannity’s testing the water for such a bill for Republicans that the GOP hopes–nay–prays will not portray them as the misogynistic sect who want to require women to breed. Facing utter embarrassment in the midterm elections because the revocation of body autonomy by the conservative Supreme Court fired up women, Democrats and people who don’t like forced pregnancies and dying women, the GOP is trying to find some way to twist things and claim, “the Democrats are the ones who want to enslave women! We’re the good guys! We are! Forget that whole Roe thing. It was a mistake, a one-time thing. It’ll never happen again, I swear.” The problem? No GOP Senator who campaigned to eliminate abortion will be able to vote for it, and that’s roughly 96% of the caucus.