A former aide to Vladimir Putin said in an early Wednesday Telegram post that the Russian dictator is looking at holing up in Venezuela if he’s still alive whenever his rule becomes untenable, the Daily Beast reports. “The leader’s entourage has not ruled out that he will lose the war, be stripped of power, and have to urgently evacuate somewhere,” former speechwriter Putin Abbas Gallyamov posted, claiming it was reliable information from the inside, adding that an executive at state-owned oil company Rosneft resigned from his post to lead the project dubbed “Noah’s Ark.”
“As the name implies, it’s about a search for new land to go to in case it becomes completely uncomfortable in the homeland. The leader’s entourage has not ruled out that he will lose the war, be stripped of power, and have to urgently evacuate somewhere,” Gallyamov wrote. China was considered the first and best option, but Putin’s team reconsidered after deciding that the ChiComs might not cooperate since they hate “losers,” according to Gallyamov. Another Telegram channel reports that Kremlin big wigs have been working to obtain papers and are buying up properties on Venezuela’s Margarita Island, where the believe they’ll be safe from extradition. Lower-ranking Putin goons are looking at various other South American countries such as Argentina, Paraguay, and Ecuador. We’ll just skip the part where we detail the parallels with those countries, particularly Argentina, being famous as the refuge of Post-World War II Nazi fugitives.