In a very foolish application of an incredible technological advancement, a defendant in a traffic court will argue a case while an artificial intelligence chat bot dictates their responses and arguments after listening in via a microphone, Politico reports.
The date, time, and location of this technology debut stunt are unknown, being kept secret by the start-up company behind the system. The company’s CEO also said the judge will be unaware the defendant is using legal assistance from an AI. Likely at a hearing over Zoom, the defendant will wear earbuds and use a microphone to relay the courtroom conversation to the AI. It’s unspecified how much the AI charges per hour for such services.
The start-up’s CEO, Joshua Browder, says he identified two jurisdictions where such a set-up is “not outright illegal” and that he has found a willing participant challenging a traffic ticket who will use the technology, which filters through its database of legal operations and opinions to formulate responses.