Worried about Trump fanboys what-about-ing their Orange Messiah’s theft of classified documents with Biden’s similar but apparently far milder fuckup? Think the obvious differences in the respective situations aren’t distinct enough to overcome their bad faith? Show them yours is worse.
Ask them why Trump let Biden get away with “stealing” classified documents from the White House for four years. After all, it was Trump who was in charge of federal law enforcement and to them he’s a living god, an omniscient super-being who plays 12-dimensional chess while his enemies are playing Candy Land, and as such should have known then-former Vice President “Sleepy Joe” had absconded with top secret documents in 2017. Trump didn’t do anything about it for four years. He had every opportunity to send MAGA-loyal federal law enforcement into that think tank building and rip it apart just like “Biden” did to Mar-a-Lago. Which would mean Trump either got outsmarted by Biden or he let him off the hook, neither of which is a good look for their Orange Allah.
Just meeting them on their level will frustrate the shit out of the MAGA trolls enough, but you can twist the knife further by bringing up a real political implication of the question: If Trump had actually known Biden had “stolen” classified documents then there would’ve been no need to go through the elaborate and insane plan to get Ukraine to open a fake investigation into Joe and Hunter. And the public would’ve been way more receptive to that, even more so than with Hillary’s stupid emails. Trump could’ve knocked off Joe Biden – without getting impeached – and faced Bernie Sanders in 2020 like he wanted to, likely winning easily against a socialist liberal Jew.
Put it like that and that’s going to rip the fanboys apart on the inside, especially now if it’s Trump vs Biden again in 2024. Make this Trump’s failure as president to troll, then tell them what could have been to make it even more heartbreaking for them. Make them regret this news cycle.