Various national and international media outlets are reporting that there’s yet another massive winter rainstorm headed for California and that the White House doesn’t keep visitor logs for Presidents’ private homes and that 68 passengers and crew were killed in a plane crash in Nepal on Monday. Meanwhile the Davos international money something meeting with Soros and that World Economic Forum guy is happening in Switzerland which is like catnip to the “New World Order” conspiracy freaks who were already having a good time with some poor kid who used to be an American Idol contestant dying from heart failure because they can blame that on the COVID vaccine.
Other media outlets reported that a family of six have been gunned down in California, which is horrible and a different one reported that another family in Connecticut is okay with having a black bear live under their porch which is kind of cute and quirky. Also the death toll in the Russian strike on an apartment building in Ukraine has climbed to 40. Biden said a bunch of stuff in his Martin Luther King Day speech. You could definitely say there’s a lot going on in the news.