The South Dakota state Senate on Thursday voted to suspend Republican Senator Julie Frye-Mueller without explaining to the public why they did so, waiting until Friday to announce they formed a panel to consider expelling her and that it was over an accusation of “inappropriate behavior and harassment related to private maternal matters, including childhood vaccines and breastfeeding,” toward a legislative aide to the chamber, the Argus Falls-Leader reports.
Must’ve been bad. If the leadership of the Republican-majority chamber are only giving those surface-level details, which are bad enough, without getting more specific about what this psychopath said to an employee, whom we would imagine to be a young mom, then it had to be pretty bad. Like screaming at her for breastfeeding an infant after being vaccinated for COVID bad.
But we need not fill in those fairly narrow blanks here to see a far more interesting revelation: That the kind of shit Republican lawmakers screech on the campaign trail, in televised hearings, and post on Facebook about vaccines and what not – the garbage that gets the yokels to vote for them – is unacceptable during day-to-day business hours. It’s actually workplace harassment and you can get fired for privately talking that kind of shit to an employee. This episode alone might offer more insight into the nature of MAGA rhetoric than we could ever hope to write ourselves.