See libs? We told you railroad crossing gates are for snowflake losers. Just look at what these two British moped riders were able to do last month with just a little extra gas. They got home safely without getting obliterated by a thousand ton commuter train going 70 miles per hour without having to stop and wait like some woketard. This actually proves that crossing gates don’t work and aren’t necessary anymore. It’s okay to ignore them. They’re probably unconstitutional anyway since trains weren’t even invented yet when the founding fathers wrote all the rules for America.
This video proves there’s no real reason to have those stupid things slowing down traffic and causing people to waste gas while waiting for a train to pass by. So just grow up already libs.
National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve sowed the seeds of a new outrage for the fanboys fused with a kick ass video of a dangerous stunt. Everyone should enjoy this one.