
Random thoughts Friday, Volume CXV

  • Lock who up?
  • A billionaire is asking people making $7.25 an hour to pay his legal fees for charges stemming from his six-figure payoff to a porn star to cover up a sexual encounter they had four months after his son’s birth in an effort to save his presidential bid. Because these are the “issues facing working families” they want to campaign on.
  • The Biden/Harris Administration response to the Trump indictment–“No comment”–is exactly right.  It’s nice having an administration that acts like they deserve the office, no matter the glee they feel.
  • When will Kevin McCarthy and GOP leadership make a trip to the site of a school shooting like Nashville to talk to the teachers, survivors and parents?  Maybe go to a child’s funeral?  Oh, never.  They don’t like to confront things that make them feel bad about themselves.

  • Junior and Ewic are rightfully worried the Bragg investigation will rope them in because, as officers of the Trump Org, they’re responsible for its financial statements.  Imagine being threatened with a criminal conviction for covering up your father’s extramarital affair on his third wife whose not even your mother.  Those are the “family values” Republicans preach.
  • Jim Jordan, head of the Weaponization of Government shiny keys committee, is threatening Alvin Bragg.  He apparently thought his job was to continue the GOP policy of weaponizing government to attack those who uphold the law.
  • If convicted, Trump would not lose his voting rights in New York, were he still a resident there; New York does not revoke voting rights for felons who aren’t imprisoned.  However, now that he’s a Florida resident, he won’t be able to vote until he clears all outstanding accounts including fines and court costs.  And we know how bad he is about paying his bills.
  • Ron DeSantis’s residual clownishness in all of this–“I won’t extradite him to New York!  Mwah!”–matches the white boots he favors. That image will not go away before the election.
  • As far as I can tell, this will be Donald Trump’s first time sitting in the courtroom for a trial he’s involved in.  He’s had a lot of depositions and interviews, but I can’t find an occurrence of him actually in the courtroom.  He’ll learn it’s not a reality show.  Judge Jennine It is reality.
  • Media, please ask Marge this question:  If there is a civil war, as she predicts, which side is she on?  The side of the Constitution, or the side of the anti-constitutionalists?  
  • Twitter users with 31 followers and blue check marks are the people described in the famous PT Barnum quote.
  • Conservative pundits are twisting their panties trying to figure out the underlying crime Donald Trump was trying to cover up with the hush money payment.  It’s the one Michael Cohen was convicted of by Trump’s DOJ, in which Trump was named as “Individual 1.”  My theory before a jury:  Trump was covering up Cohen’s crime by hiding illegal payments.  (It’s true:  my last name is not McCoy.)
  • Marge claimed Joe Biden instituted a school gun ban that immediately prompted a shooting when she was in high school.  Some problems:  the shooting happened before the school gun-free zone bill was signed.  By George HW Bush.  In 1990.  When Joe Biden was the junior Senator from Delaware.
  • Mrs. Jack and I had the landscaping taken care of for Spring, the trees “trimmed up,” and a couple dead trees taken out.  Now Doggo feels he has no privacy while doing his bizness, and glares at you in anger through the kitchen window as he does said bizness in the open. 
  • Fox “News” has testified in court that people shouldn’t believe its hosts.  A judge declared an inarguable fact that Fox knows the information it airs was false.  Hell, the Fox execs themselves said its messaging was determined by revenues, not reality.  How do you know you’re still in a cult?  You watch Fox “News.”
  • Punch & Judy is some fucked up children’s entertainment shit.  That is all.
  • Got the traditional packet of Peeps for the Easter holiday–because what part of the risen Savior’s story doesn’t make you crave sugar-coated marshmallow?–and picked up a bonus pack of Hot Tamale flavor.  My review:  Good Peep-ish texture, but no flavor.  But then, I haven’t regained by sense of taste since I got Covid, so it may taste like broccoli.  Who knows?
  • Republicans:  First president to resign.  First complete ticket to resign early (both Nixon and Agnew).  First twice-impeached president.  First former president indicted.  And that all happened in the last 50 years, the blink of an eye historically.  The Union will survive this malfeasance, though the GOP may not.
  • No matter how happy you are about Trump’s indictment, you’re definitely not the happiest.
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Financial fraudster gets second FEC extension to file disclosures

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In new district, LB² takes GOP primary

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Trump biopic producer reportedly blocking US distribution

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ICC issues arrest warrants for Putin minions Shoygu and Gerasimov

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Israeli Supreme Court orders IDF to draft ultra-orthodox men

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“Well look isn’t it better if there are no documents?”

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Ronny Whatshizname under investigation by Ethics Committee for paying for country club membership with campaign funds

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Temp employee at Arizona elections office stole keys, security fob giving access Maricopa County ballot tabulaters

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Pelosi on Chief Justice: “Did he go weak or did he go rogue?”

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Kentucky MAGA racist admits threats to hang Black schoolkids

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North Dakota GOP pedophile pleads guilty to child sex tourism

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Orange Felon all-caps claims he’s game for a pre-debate drug test

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Florida family sues NASA for damage to home from space debris

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“Just amazing to me how desperate people are that they go to these kinds of lengths to try to destroy someone”

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