Hells-wearing Florida Gov Ron DeSantis on Monday ordered his minions to explain how the fuck they let Disney outsmart him by doing a runaround of his takeover of the Magic Kingdom’s special municipal district, demanding “a thorough review and investigation” of maneuvers that escaped their noticed despite having been executed legally and publicly, the New York Times reports.
“These collusive and self-dealing arrangements aim to nullify the recently passed legislation, undercut Florida’s legislative process and defy the will of Floridians,” DeSantis wrote in the letter dated Monday to Florida Chief Inspector General Melinda Miguel. “Any legal or ethical violations should be referred to the proper authorities.” It’s not clear why the “Top Gov” doesn’t just drop it and go back to the drawing board legislatively to find some new way of inflicting punishment on Disney for daring to oppose his regime rather than risking further humiliation when in a few months the IG reports she hasn’t found shit and there’s no way for him to win here.