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- Tennessee doesn’t need to teach Critical Race Theory. They’re living it.
- Republicans are pro-business so long as those businesses fall in line with their culture war. If not, they’ll blow them away with an assault rifle, because THAT is the conservative way of dealing with dissension.
- Tennessee Republicans demand the power to approve the representatives selected by the state’s Black communities. Because nothing says equality like needing the white leaders’ approval for your opposition candidate.
- Re: your thoughts and prayers. You’re supposed to pray for an answer, not a miracle. The answer is common sense gun regulation, not more prayers. God has given you the answer; you’re ignoring Him.
- Why is Trump focusing on the withdrawal from Afghanistan? To make people forget that when he pulled US troops from Syria (at Putin’s request) in 2019, he left so much equipment there US planes had to bomb the bases. Remember stories of Russian troops enjoying still-cold sodas from vending machines? (Oh, and he wants everyone to forget he’s the person who negotiated the withdrawal date with the Taliban but then did nothing to facilitate it.)
- Ron DeSantis is trying to direct the narrative for 2024 by crafting GOP policy that demonstrates how authoritarian he wants to be. And he’s not very good at it: virtually everything he does is hated by his constituents and the American people.
- I was promised there would be taco trucks on every corner. Like that was a bad thing.
- Soon, we’re going to have a new category of mass shooting to characterize the most horrific, because mass shootings are becoming routine. Something like a “mega-mass shooting” or “slaughter.”
- Trump praising the beauty of the interpreter China’s Xi brought to Mar-a-Lago makes me think she spend a passionate 37 seconds in his private suite while Melania slept next door.
- There are such things as bad milkshakes, but it has more to due to texture/thickness, not flavor. If you chose to order a tangerine mocha cilantro shake, that’s on you.
- Proposed study on historical racism: examine the accumulated generational wealth of working families that migrated to the US during the 1840-70s from Europe versus that of the descendants of newly freed African-Americans. Also, for shits and giggles, look at the accumulated wealth of the first European families and the first enslaved people from 1619 on.
- For the first time since 2016, the GOP is actually going to have to come up with policy platforms for the presidential campaign. What happened in 2020, you ask? The RNC essentially said, “Whatever Donald Trump says. For all else, see 2016.” So in 2020, during the pandemic, the key feature of the RNC platform was to lock up Hillary Clinton. That probably won’t win for them.
- Errol Flynn is the king of Robin Hoods. Russell Crowe surpasses Kevin Costner’s by a mile. Sean Connery’s version is Top 5, after Cary Elwes. Admittedly, I haven’t seen Douglas Fairbanks’ silent version or Frank Sinatra’s 1964 mob interpretation, so I can’t comment on their performances.
- Florida bars the governor from running for President while in office. It’s why DeSantis is on a “book tour” and not a campaign circuit. And the fact that Florida flooded as DeSantis was giving speeches in Ohio and Long Island shows why that rule makes sense.
- There’s a lot written about bad Supreme Court Justices (like Roger Taney), but very little about corrupt ones, likely because Clarence Thomas has shattered all norms. His corruption is off the charts, and it has been since before he was nominated.
- Let’s find out how a straight white Christian male judge adjudicates a challenge to the legality of Viagra. If you’re a Bible literalist, God obviously doesn’t want those men to reproduce, so he made them impotent. And I’m still not clear on the safety of a high blood pressure medication that encourages vigorous physical activity in people who are obviously physically compromised.
- Bill Hader’s Barry is a wonderful series–I’m looking forward to the new season==but it would be far less enjoyable without Henry Winkler, perhaps one of the most underappreciated actors of the generation. It’s hard to imagine anyone else playing the roles he’s played in is career.
- Hummus is an underrated food. And unlike most dips/spreads, it compliments, not overpowers, the food delivery device of your choice.
- Can we not forget that George Santos is still in Congress? In the pantheon of things going on, I understand it’s a minor thing. But it’s still a thing.