A 59-year-old Illinois man is dead after a neighbor, taking offense with the man’s use of a leaf blower to clear his yard, took out a gun during an argument and shot and killed him, NBC News reports. Ettore Lacchei, 79, approached his neighbor, William Martys, who was using a leaf blower for yard cleanup. The two got into an argument when Lacchei pulled out a gun and shot Martys in the head.
Police were called to the scene when a different neighbor called 9-1-1 to report an unresponsive man in a yard on Wednesday, April 12th. After realizing Martys had been shot, they found a loaded weapon on the ground on Lacchei’s property. They arrested Lacchei and performed a search of his home, where they found information that Lacchei had already sold his home and was preparing to move out of the country. It’s the latest episode in America’s “guns can resolve anything I don’t like” community.