The Wisconsin state Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled against Allen Gahl, an ivermectin crusader who wanted them to force a hospital to administer the miracle horse paste to his uncle John Zingsheim, who was placed on a ventilator due to being an unvaxxed MAGA dipshit in October 2021, months after he could’ve gotten the COVID-19 shot, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.
Gahl had sued after Aurora Health Care refused to treat Zingsheim with a prescription written by an outside physician and appealed up the state Supremes, who ruled against him 6 to 1. The court still has a 4-3 conservative majority as Justice-elect Janet Protasiewicz won’t join the bench until this summer but obviously that wouldn’t have made a difference since three of the four right wing justices still denied the appeal. It’s not clear what happened to Zingsheim during the year and a half his asshole nephew was carrying on with this case, the Journal-Sentinel’s article doesn’t say it. He’s probably not still in the hospital, one way or the other. Gahl was represented by third-place 2022 state Attorney General GOP primary finisher Karen Mueller, whose failed campaign had centered on a platform of prosecuting doctors for refusing to prescribe – you guessed it – ivermectin.