Another victim of Trump-lovin’ MMA fighter and noted misogynist Andrew Tate has been identified by Romanian prosecutors, raising the count to seven women and prompting prosecutors to upgrade the original human trafficking charge to a more-serious “human trafficking in a continuing form” (that obviously doesn’t translate to English adequately) against Tate and his three co-defendants, including his brother.
According to the Daily Beast, Tate was taken into custody after his arrest in December when he made himself slightly relevant by ineffectively trolling environmental activist Greta Thunberg, who replied with an epic “” response. His brief spike in notoriety reportedly led internet sleuths to figure out his location thanks to a pizza box–okay, true or not, it’s still a good story–leading to more than three months in custody before being released to house arrest. The increase in charge may lead to another stint in county for the MAGAt influencer.