A Republican former Maryland Deputy Secretary of State who served briefly on the Trump Regime’s stupid “voter fraud” commission in 2017 was arrested last week for soliciting sex with a minor after a US Army Criminal Investigation Office agent posing as a 13 year-old girl in an online chat said “she” would meet up with him in a parking lot in Anne Arundel County, NBC Washington reports.
Luis Borunda, whose stint on the commission disgraced former President Trump formed to investigate how he lost the popular vote in 2016 – as if that was a fucking necessary use of taxpayer dollars – didn’t last long, served for eight years as second in command of Maryland’s top elections office as an appointee of “RINO” Governor Larry Hogan. Borunda quit the commission, led by legendary Kansas moron Kris Kobach, on July 3, 2017 on the orders of Hogan, who tried to make it sound like Borunda had been freelancing. A Freedom of Information Act request by a Maryland watchdog eventually turned up emails indicating that Borunda had in fact been given permission by both Hogan-appointed Secretary of State John Wobensmith and Chief of Staff Sam Malhotra. The whole issue still seems murky, like if the publicly MAGA-skeptic Hogan may’ve just wanted to send his guy there to push back on the bullshit or if Borunda sold it because he was on Team Kobach.