In a bulky 50-page document that is long on allegations but short on actual facts, the Republican House leaders heading the committees assigned to the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden outlined their thread-thin justification for the inquiry.
According to CBS News, the chairmen of the House Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means Committees–Comer, Jordan, Smith–asserted, “The purpose of this inquiry — and at this stage, it is just that, an inquiry — is to determine whether sufficient grounds exist for the Committees to draft articles of impeachment against President Biden for consideration by the full House.”
The inquiry focused on if the President “abused his federal office to enrich his family and conceal his and/or his family’s misconduct” and it will look at his time as Vice President and President. The memo does not outline any specific action Biden took over those years that would constitute a high crime and misdemeanor meriting impeachment. The news of the memo was leaked to the media minutes after the end of the circus of the Republican presidential debate.