Kremlin intel officials are frantically searching for an unknown state security agent who allegedly drunkenly revealed to a stranger that he was part of a plot to take out Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, according to a report from VChK-OGPU, a Telegram channel with sources inside Moscow’s military infrastructure. The following was translated from the original Russian by Google:
“According to a source from the Cheka-OGPU, the special services have been searching for several days for an unknown person who has planned to ‘remove’ Putin. No one would have attached much importance to information about yet another dissatisfied president if an employee of one of the law enforcement agencies had not been involved in the case. The source says that a message about a secret conspiracy against the head of state was received by the duty department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from a specialist in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.”
“At 6:20 in the morning, a certain 37-year-old Mikhail Yurchenko called their reception, who introduced himself as an entrepreneur in the construction industry and gave his full details (they, by the way, were confirmed). Unlike numerous demanders and complainants, the man reported with alarm about a strange story that recently happened to him in the city of Chekhov.”
“Mikhail was relaxing there at the local karaoke club ‘Honey’, met an unknown person, and they began a long heart-to-heart conversation about the war and future life in Russia. At some point, according to Yurchenko, the interlocutor showed him a red service ID and stated that he had a task ‘to remove Vladimir Putin.’ Whatever it means, unfortunately for Mikhail, he did not remember the name of his drinking companion, nor did he see his details on his ID. However, what he heard haunted him, and after a couple of days of worry, he decided to report the conspirator to the right place. Now, on his tip, the operatives went to study the situation in the Honey Cafe, where, by the way, you can often meet employees of various departments,” said the Telegram post.