
MAGA Land on a day that ends in “y”

“Remind me now…. just who..which party is the threat to democracy”

The current top comment on the Townhall article “Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Automatically Handing Biden the State’s Votes.” Nowhere in the story is it mentioned that the Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Kansas, Nevada, New York, South Carolina, and Virginia state GOPs all cancelled their 2020 presidential primaries or caucuses, four of them announcing it in September 2019 while former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld, former South Carolina Governor-turned-Congressman Mark Sanford, and former Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Walsh were still running their longshot primary bids against Trump. Weld, the last one, didn’t quit until March of 2020.

They probably skipped it since it wouldn’t be as much fun for their commenters if they had to countenance that set of facts. “Hypocrisy” ends with “y” and “self-awareness” does not.

We came across that nugget of Trump voter wisdom whilst searching the dregs to catalogue their wails of pain after George Santos was expelled from the House. It was too good to not share and it would be “MAGA Land” overkill to reprint a single comment on a single topic and then separately do a full roundup of their Santos reactions. So let’s just overkill in one oversized article:

“Should have pulled a fire alarm while they were voting” – Top comment on Breitbart’s Santos article.

“The Republican party just announced that they did not want anyone from their party, at least, to serve as an elected member of government. So naturally I ask, where are the calls for former President Donald Trump to abandon his presidential campaign? The standard is set now, and anyone convicted of or under indictment for a crime should be expelled from Congress. Furthermore, anyone running for office can no longer run for said office if they have recently been convicted of a crime and have not served their sentence, whatever that may be. Am I missing something?” – Not a user comment, but a paragraph from writer Matt Funicello’s column “With the House Expulsion, Who Gets Booted Next – or Do We Only Care About Santos?” Funicello is so far the only right winger we’ve seen to note what should’ve been a very obvious conundrum.

“Let me know when any Democrat House member gets expelled for doing worse. AOC’s campaign finance violation were worse, Bowman obstructed (an actual insurrection) Congress (both sides because of the evacuation)” – Top comment on the RightScoop’s article. Okay, we’ll let you know, lol.

“It’s a dark day for the Republican party, and for America, when Santos is expelled, and not censured” – Top comment on the Gateway Pundit’s article. Calling it merely a “dark day” is a little too light on the melodrama than the usual fare at the Pundit, in our opinion. We’ve been spoiled by past comments and expected Santos’s expulsion to be worse than 9/11 and the Holocaust combined.

“And this is what’s wrong with the spinless repubs, they expel one of their own without a conviction but all the dems that have been accused of wrongdoing are still not being held accountable” – Top comment on’s article. It’s fair to question whether their utter refusal to understand that 2/3 is greater than 222/435 is willful at this point. It sure seems like it.

“By the same standard, how is Adam Schiff still in Congress after publicly holding up papers and stating ‘I am in possession of direct evidence that Trump colluded with the Russian to get elected.’ That seems much more damaging to both Congress and the nation. Democrat immunity threatens our democracy” – Top comment on Fox News and again the “same standard” is 2/3rds of the House.

“Brilliant move, guys. Let’s take our razor thin majority and reduce it even further. You guys sure lived up to your nickname, ‘The Stupid Party’. Do you really think the PMSNBC’ers and CNN’ers give a rat’s rear end that you did this? Do you really think they are going to be praising you for your ethics? They are laughing right now at how freaking dumb you are. If you think that the Dems are going to offer up that moron, Bowman or that harpy, Tlaib, you’re smoking rope. There’s a greater chance of having a date with Megan Fox than that happening” – Top comment on Townhall’s Santos article. At least this guy and that Joey Mannarino douchebag get the raw math here.

“When are the communists of the left getting the boot? Bowman, Talib, Omar …squad, Maydorkas, Marrick, etc….?????? These criminals should have been impeached a long time ago! The system is broken and infested with corruption” – Top comment on WLTReport’s article. This guy doesn’t.

The headline still works even with the turn into Santos. Every fucking day these morons find new ways to embarrass themselves with their stupidity and cravenness, even when it should’ve been a “win” for them in terms of showing some basic level of integrity for once in their miserable lives.

And since we already swerved once, why the hell not bookend this “MAGA Land” with one more from Townhall? Here’s their podcaster/YouTuber/something Lindsay Wigo doing a “Culture Shock” segment on some unhinged rando complaining on TikTok or Instagram about gas prices and blaming not who Wigo thinks she’s supposed to blame. That this lady doesn’t put it on Joe Biden but the “religious right” which – via the Republican Party – empowers corporations that gouge people is offensive to Wigo. Not offended enough to actually dispute it other than to say “No it’s Biden.”

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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