A Miami-Dade mom tells Local10.com she’s more than a little freaked out after her kid who attends a local magnet school came home with a permission slip asking her to sign off on “class and school wide presentations showcasing the achievements and recognizing the rich and diverse traditions, histories, and innumerable contributions of the Black communities,” during February.
School Board Member Steve Gallon claims it’s more about permission for when any outside groups or individuals come to deliver presentations to kids in auditoriums and what not. “This is a policy that’s an extension of a new state board rule. We have to follow the law. We have to implement the rules that are adopted by the State Board of Education, but we cannot throw the baby out with the bath water and we have to square some obligations we have to academic freedom,” Gallon said, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. If the guy’s just trying to keep his head down and not get removed by the DeSantis Regime simply for publicly pointing out an outrageous real-world consequence of Tiny D’s reverse-reverse-racism we feel for him and maybe that’s the case.
Or he’s down with it. Either way, that he didn’t say anything like “Hey we sent parents a permission slip when the fire safety guy came for a presentation last month and then for the magician in December too and nobody complained” indicates that it’s not actually standard operating procedure and that’s just some apolitical cover for allowing parents to opt kids out of Black History month.