
Random thoughts Friday, Volume CLXIX

  • For the first time since he was sent to military school, Donald Trump’s schedule is being dictated by someone else during his New York criminal trial.  He cannot walk out.  He cannot have a temper tantrum.  He cannot yell.  He is subject to someone else’s rules and it will infuriate him.
  • Threats to oust Preacher Johnson aren’t about politics.  In politics, you win some battles and you lose some battles; that’s the nature of our American process.  But far-right Republicans cannot accept that they lose political fights; they can’t believe Americans don’t support them.  So they take public radical action to appease their hurt egos and try to show people they’re still in charge when they’ve lost self-control. 
  • I have little doubt that Trump’s handlers will sedate him, either with or without his knowledge, on the days he’s due in court for the criminal trial starting next week in Manhattan.  He would be uncontrollable otherwise.
  • Joe Biden’s got to walk a fine line:  he cannot say anything that might influence any of Trump’s trials, but he needs to hammer Trump’s legal troubles home in the campaign.  Simply reminding people that Trump’s sitting behind a defendant’s table instead of campaigning won’t do it, though; it plays into Trump’s desired role of a martyr.  Biden has to continue to stress that Trump is being held accountable for his actions, not his political bent.
  • No judge or courthouse should allow press conferences or media statements outside the doors of the courtroom.  Do that outside the building. A symbol of our justice system, the courthouse should be reserved solely for the application of justice, not the promulgating of bullshit.
  • Rewatched the original British Life on Mars series, a great concept pulled off well:  a cop from 2006 is transported back to 1973 (or is he?) and he must cope with being a fish out of water.  It’s refreshing because it’s a show written with modern sensibilities without being polluted by a reliance on technology.  
  • As much as I would like to be an American on a jury protecting our democracy against Trump, I would have been one of the 50+ in the jury pool to self-exclude.  These cases are too crucial to America’s future to have even a whiff of bias.  
  • If Trump testifies in his trial, will he insist on being sworn in on one of his $60 Bibles to leverage the value of the product placement?
  • For now, it appears that the Iran-Israel conflict has settled down (as much as it can in the region), but the military results are stark:  US/Israel destroyed more than 95% of the 300 weapons fired at them nearly simultaneously, displaying serious capability advantage.  If the US would apply that same technology to Ukraine, Russia would be begging for peace in a heartbeat, but Republicans like Marge Green and JD Vance don’t want to humiliate Putin. 
  • Most packing peanuts are made of environmentally-friendly starch:  if you hold it underwater, a starch peanut will dissolve.  Formed styrofoam or plastic, though, are still used for “secure” pieces such as in boxes shipping printers or phones.  Just learned of an English company using waste product from mushroom farming to make biodegradable formed pieces.  Environmentalism doesn’t kill jobs; it creates them because it fosters innovation.
  • Trump’s 5% cut of down-ballot fundraising isn’t anything new if you think like a brand licenser, not a political candidate.  He’s simply taking a licensing cut from those candidates.
  • A good vegetable platter–or as Mehmet Oz calls it, crudités–needs the standard celery, carrots and cherry tomatoes, and you can get more daring with broccoli and cauliflower if you like, but the key is the dip.  The standby onion-soup-mix-and-sour-cream is reliable, but a stronger dip will complete the plate.  Make something simple but homemade, like a more subtle dill.  And if you double-dip at a party, you should lose a finger.
  • If you’re going to slander your opponent as a feeble “Sleepy Joe Biden,” you have one job when you’re in public….
  • From its commercials, Vuori seems to want to be the new American Apparel.
  • Information about every person on every jury–petit or grand–involved in a Trump case must be held in the strictest privacy particularly because the information would likely lead to intimidation and threats against the citizens, but also because MAGAts will inevitably target the wrong people and harass them endlessly.  Plus, strict security should go into perpetuity; Trump’s cult holds grudges.
  • Sour Patch Kids < Jelly Bellies < Haribo gummy bears
  • Have you ever tried to figure out the story of the person in front of you in the grocery checkout line?  This week’s sighting:  a guy with a bottle of Febreeze, Lysol toilet cleaner, prepped pasta dinner, head of garlic, and condoms.  My guess:  3rd date, dinner at his place.
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene was an impeachment manager for the dismissed Mayorkas, which goes to show the shallowness of the talent pool on the GOP bench. 
  • Enjoy 4/20, the St. Patrick’s Day of the cannabis culture, except without the DUIs and drunken bar brawls.  “I smoked grass a lot in college” = “I’m two percent Irish from my mother’s great uncle twice removed so I know all about Ireland.”

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Random thoughts Friday, Volume CLXXXIII

6 hours ago

Stuffed foam magnate avoids eviction from warehouse that would have likely ended in a soft landing

7 hours ago

Cuckold evangelical reaches settlement with family business

7 hours ago

Trump fanboy charged with making threats to Bragg, Merchan

8 hours ago

Strzok reaches $1.2 million settle with Justice Department

9 hours ago

Trump to give Butler rally a second shot

10 hours ago

Dem Congressman calls out Trump cowardice: “He’s scared”

12 hours ago

Mass duck die-off at California lake prompts concern, grief

12 hours ago

French rail system attacked by saboteurs on Olympics opening day

12 hours ago

Vance apologizes to cats over “childless cat ladies” comment

14 hours ago

Ed Durr announces run for New Jersey governor

14 hours ago

RFK Jr says reports of him dropping out are premature

15 hours ago

They’re just going to keep switching out the names, aren’t they?

16 hours ago

Virginia judge forced to toss traffic offenses for 11 drivers because cop fucked off from testifying to go attend Trump rally

16 hours ago

Sinaloa cartel leaders cuffed and brought to American justice

17 hours ago

MAGA Land deeply burdened by what may become

18 hours ago

Harris’s anti-Hillary past exposed

19 hours ago

Vance told Charlie Kirk childless Americans should pay higher taxes

19 hours ago

FBI looking to interview Trump over assassination attempt

20 hours ago

MAGA social media propagandists getting awfully antsy

21 hours ago

North Carolina Lt Gov Mark Robinson’s wife ran a scam nonprofit

21 hours ago

Harris improves over Biden by 9 percent in Michigan poll

22 hours ago

“Coordinated arson attack” halts French rail traffic

22 hours ago

Kagan: enforcement of Supreme Court ethics needed

1 day ago

GOP ticket “billboard for men who need therapy”

1 day ago

Prince of Darkness’s bankruptcy case may again see light of day courtesy of his disorganization, obstruction

1 day ago

Cowardly Custard laying groundwork to skip debate with Harris

1 day ago

Fox hostess makes her own dream come true

1 day ago

Gateway Pundit cannot declare bankruptcy, judge rules, opening defamation lawsuit floodgates

1 day ago

Perhaps the Betty Ford Clinic needs a Trump wing

1 day ago

Engoron won’t recuse, denies Trump’s bid to delay NY appeal

1 day ago

Harris 53 – Trump 29 among urban/suburban swing state 18-30s

1 day ago

Watch Don Jr not reply

1 day ago

Vance endorsed Pizzagate asshole’s book “Unhumans”

1 day ago

Manhattan DA says Trump v US has no bearing on Stormy case

2 days ago

Kamala says she’s ready to face Donald on September 10th

2 days ago

Harris down 1 percent against Trump in NYT poll

2 days ago

Tucker vexed, needs answers from sleepy Black guy now

2 days ago

Same shit, different year

2 days ago

Mercury may have 10 mile-thick mantle of pure diamond: NASA

2 days ago

“We don’t need the votes, I have so many votes”

2 days ago

House passes resolution condemning Harris on border

2 days ago

Justice IG finds Barr selectively meddled in 2020 election case

2 days ago

Comer admits he’s given up, hopes Trump prosecutes the Bidens

2 days ago

CrowdStrike sends out $10 Uber Eats vouchers to apologize

2 days ago

US economy grew 2.8 percent in Q2 2024, crushing expectations

2 days ago

Harris’s debut ad pretty freaking good

2 days ago

Vance walked away from childbirth cost bill while being vetted

2 days ago

Obama to campaign with Harris

2 days ago

Republicans feeling “buyer’s remorse” over Trump picking Vance

2 days ago
