A likely Russian disinformation operation not ready for primetime – given the production value of the site, KBSF-TV.com, which was registered on August 20th, 2024, the other articles were copy-pasted verbatim from other sites without attribution, and the ads are completely static – went ahead with it anyway on Tuesday, claiming Vice President Kamala Harris left a then-13 year-old girl paralyzed from the waist down after a hit-and-run accident in 2011, using the terribly-acted video above.
National Zero was able to find that the host and domain are the same as ours – NameCheap.com – and have contacted their legal/abuse department to both report “KBSF-TV” and request comment on the person/entity who slapped this shitty hit job together, though we’re being realistic about that.
Article and video interview: https://t.co/IS3TSYXLdY
— Jen ๐๐ฝ (@jenreneeX) September 3, 2024
Which is more than we can say about MAGA Twitter itself as they eagerly propagate this bullshit.