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- No, no, it’s okay. You can finish watching the Future President and the Queen B Rally (again). RtF understands priorities.
- Donald Trump believes serving an order of fries to a fan at a McDonald’s makes him relatable to workers. What would be more relatable is if he tried to live for a week off a minimum wage income for working a 40-hour shift.
- Elon Musk is actually the evil foreign-born election-meddling billionaire conservatives think George Soros is.
- It’s so cute to watch all the Republicans say they don’t care that Springsteen and Beyonce support Harris because they don’t follow what celebrities say or care what they think about politics even though their leader’s last job was a reality television personality. Cope harder.
- “Trump’s your daddy” does nothing to make me stop thinking MAGA is weird.
- After the election, Biden/Garland must appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Trump’s phone calls with foreign leaders like Putin while he was not in office and determine what Trump knew about things like the invasion of Ukraine, Israel’s response in Gaza, and foreign interference in the campaign. And see if Trump called Bibi to attack Iran to upstage Beyonce.
- MAGA is for people who still don’t understand Andrew “Dice” Clay was a character, not a person.
- Once again Trump abandoned Ted Cruz. His campaign put out no Get Out the Vote effort in Texas because they assume they’ll win the state. Senate races during the presidential cycle typically team with the top of the ticket, but because Trump didn’t do one, Cruz was left hanging. While Trump will win the state, look for closer margins than the previous two races.
- There are four Republican Senators–Collins, Murkowski, Romney, and Mitch McConnell–who will mark their ballots for Harris in the privacy of the voting booth, contrary to some of their public statements.
- Jim Jordan will surely demand a massive House investigation into e. coli-infected Quarter Pounders as a potential attempt on the life of the rapist.
- How do we know MAGA’s “they’re stealing the geese!” outrage is racist: RFK Jr. has admitted to taking roadkill bear carcasses and whale heads from dead animals and Trump invited him on stage to praise him.
- I did not have Arnold Palmer’s penis on this election cycle’s Bingo card. In fact, I did not have Arnold Palmer’s penis on any Bingo card.
- His phone being hacked isn’t a surprise. Remember: Trump refused to use a secure phone the Secret Service procured for him while he was in office and continued to use a personal phone. Trump was, is, and always will be a national security threat. I like Presidents who don’t use burner phones.
- How good are my caramel-sea salt brownies? Mrs. Jack already put a reminder on my calendar for me to make them for her birthday.
- Going through the neighborhood and seeing six Harris signs for every Trump sign. In 2020, it was probably 4:1, in 2016, 3:1. Plus a giant one on the nearby farm, which has been missing for the last two cycles. Every Trump sign missing is at least one vote lost.
- Am I the only one who thinks the Democrats may be oversaturating the celebrities at rallies? I understand the GOTV push in the last days, but the celebrity-rich rallies seem too big and too off-focus. Again, I love the enthusiasm; I just hope it’s maintained and directed.
- Following the CNN town hall, Dana Bash commented with a casual, unstated acceptance that Kamala Harris has a higher bar to cross than Donald Trump because she’s a woman. Forget that Trump’s bar didn’t even rise to “show up for the debate” for CNN to defend him and criticize her.
- Somewhere a country club bar just named their half-yard of beer an “Arnold Palmer’s Penis.”
- If you’re on social media, this weekend would be a great time to pester a Texas Republican about why the state has the nation’s worst maternal mortality rate. Follow up on the message of the Houston rally with a little “positive trolling” and remind Texans they’re being sacrificed for Greg Abbott’s morality.