If you're on the Twitters like us on this Election Day, you're going to see quite a lot of just utterly insane, subatomic-level nonsense that some idiot such as Fox News media assclown Joe Concha thinks is a tea leaf. Like forget that this is a flip of a territorial legislature in a remote part of the Pacific Ocean by however many seats… and holy shit why are we even wasting time on this?
The real point was that the dumbassery of the MAGA hopium this dickhead is huffing from essentially the most insane and inconsequential source imaginable while still within the two-party system of US elections – in a place where neither Kamala Harris or Donald Trump are on the ballot – is compounded by the fact that he's citing an exit poll. That's what we want to say: Exit polls are going to be completely meaningless today. You can and absolutely should ignore them. For us, unless there's some interesting or surprising finding – for example an opinion with no direct bearing on the result whatsoever, like "Is Trump mentally unfit for office?" – we're going to be ignoring them too. The real purpose of exit polling is for data compiled months after the election, like Pew and AP VoteCast reports that'll probably drop in January and probably won't be aggregating data from fucking Guam (no disrespect to the fine folks living and voting there intended).