“A new bill would give President Trump a THIRD TERM. We need to hear from you. Are YOU ready to give President Trump a THIRD TERM to truly MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? Do YOU want to see President Trump get a THIRD TERM?” asks another ridiculous WinRed page sent out this week, this one with the fake, meaningless poll a means of raising cash for the House Conservatives Fund PAC.
The Huffington Post, who found the page from a fundraising text sent out to donors, reports that this specific PAC is tied to the House Republican Study Committee, member-formed caucus that was kind of the Freedom Caucasians before some members decided there RSC was too moderate for their far right extremist proclivities and started the Freedom Caucasians. There’s plenty of overlap between the two groups (it’s estimated that at least 17 House Republicans are members of both). It would seem however that organizationally the RSC might’ve beaten the Caucasians to monetizing dual member MAGA Congressman Andy Ogles’s bill to get the DOJ to drop the federal criminal investigation into him over a campaign fundraising scam proposing an amendment to the constitution allowing convicted felon President Trump to run for a third term in 2028.
Of course that last sentence explaining the background contained more details than the call to action in the fundraiser did. Namely the part about the amendment that will never be adopted allowing Trump to run again. The Study Committee’s PAC left that out, just saying that the “new bill would give President Trump a THIRD TERM” and “Do YOU want to see President Trump get a THIRD TERM?” as though the constitutional amendment proposed in the bill would automatically declare Trump the winner of the 2028 election. It’s almost like the House Conservatives Fund knew that when they sent it out and deliberately lied to those they’re shaking down for cash.
The Huffington Post were unable to get the RSC, the PAC, or anyone else involved to comment, though they did get a response from abortion milkshake guy Jason Miller. “This fundraising solicitation was not approved by President Trump’s political operation and most definitely was not approved by President Trump,” Miller said. “As a reminder, President Trump does not respond favorably to political entities trying to raise money off his name, image, and likeness, without explicit advance approval.” Absent from Miller’s statement was anything remotely close to a denial that Trump and his minions were seriously considering running again in 2028.
The Third Term Project is at CPAC and observed overwhelming support for Trump 2028.
Americans want President Trump to finish the job! pic.twitter.com/MAMLo9oicj
— Third Term Project (@3rdTermProject) February 21, 2025
The fundraising text came amidst other chatter on the third term subject in the ongoing shitshow that is the first weeks of the fat fuck’s second term: There’s the above assholes who were able to rent a booth at CPAC (they had the money to do that while ThirdTermProject.com says “404 Page not found!”), Steve Bannon saying “We want Trump in ’28. That’s what they can’t stand. A man like Trump comes along only once or twice in a country’s history. We want Trump!” while on stage at the same circlejerk, shitty right wing polling outfit Rasmussen claiming they found 53 percent of national respondents in support of another Trump term, Manhattan Dem Congressman Dan Goldman telling the New York Times he’s going to intro a resolution to reaffirm the House’s support for the 22nd Amendment, all of which spurred by Donald repeatedly making clear he wants to do it.
The most recent of which was wearing a shit eating grin while a bunch of Black MAGAs chanted “Four More Years! Four More Years! Four More Years!” at a White House Black History Month event.
In late January Politico printed a lengthy piece warning libs not to be too quick to dismiss the possibilities beyond a 22nd repeal, ranging from a sandbag where it’s Vance-Trump 2028 and Jaydee resigns as soon as he’s worn in (requires way too much mutual trust), the Supreme Court allows him to ignore the limit and run (not the safest bet, even if three or four votes are already in the bag), or he just simply cancels the 2028 election and remains in power indefinitely.
As bad as things are they would have to get considerably worse for Trump to feel comfortable enough to try that. Like three years straight of record-smashing economic growth coupled with a complete purge of pretty much every military officer, intel operative, and federal agent that has not demonstrated absolute loyalty to him. Even then he’d still have to sleep with one eye open, hoping that tonight isn’t the night a rogue SEAL Team goes Neptune Spear on the White House.
Not impossible, but unlikely. Still maybe marginally likelier than him actually running again.
With more humility than National Zero showed over the past two years, it’s worth stating that there might, just might be a situation where the Republicans can go ahead and nominate the fat fuck for a fourth presidential run and daring the Supreme Court to stop him.
It’s one where his approval ratings are 35 percent, unemployment is at 12 percent, GDP’s in the shitter, inflation hasn’t just not gone down but gotten worse, ISIS attacked a US military base in Germany, and God knows what else he’s going to fuck up, plus in 2026 Democrats retain control of enough of the swing state governor, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other offices and they refuse to allow him on the ballot, daring the Supreme Court to stop them, then yeah.
Maybe then it would be a good thing to have Trump running for a third term. Maybe.