“Not what we were promised, But I will be patient a little longer, the blue jackasses have had 80+ years to screw things up” – Top comment on Breitbart’s article “Trump Exempts Automakers from Tariffs for a Month,” by a fanboy who’s clearly almost sort of nearly done considering maybe thinking about where the line will be drawn but taking extra to ensure it’s somewhere it can be erased and hastily redrawn much further away after his Lord and Savior crosses it more or less immediately.
It’s not exactly clear what the hell the “blue jackasses have had 80+ years to screw things up” part means. Democrats have controlled trade policy since World War II? That’s so odd and inscrutable it would’ve disqualified the post for “MAGA Land” had that first half not been so goddamned funny.
The comment also technically wasn’t the most upvoted on the story, it was just the “best” because the MAGA kids downvoted the National Zero semi-regular Disqus lib who wrote “Trump took a dump on tariffs. He now looks like a fool. Sad!” which will probably get him banned from Breitbart for life.