Political reporter Tara Palmeri is now Substacker Tara Palmeri and her new blog’s second edition alleges the usual insanity inside the Orange God Emperor’s retinue, that people are “fucking furious” with Elon Musk for that interview with cokehead Larry Kudlow in which Ketamine Head said “Most of the federal spending is entitlements… That’s the big one to eliminate,” which most observers correctly took to mean that Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are on the chopping block.
Fear of and hatred toward Musk are in abundance in the White House, even with top dog Chief of Staff Susie Wiles. “He treats like a secretary in front of people,” a source told Palmeri. “The second most powerful person in Washington, the first woman and someone who has done a good job of keeping the trains running on time.” Another said “The staff hates him… Part of it is policy and part is that he’s not human.” In the cabinet they’re just as angry. “They’re like ‘Fuck this guy, he’s not communicating what he’s going to cut, he’s just cutting,'” said a source. “Whenever they get a call, everything goes to shit. They’re trying to run their agencies, and then they have this guy who thinks he’s trimming the fat, but it isn’t fat… He treats cabinet secretaries like they’re messenger boys.”
This was all before Musk’s entitlements fuckup, after which one “Republican operative close to the White House,” quoted revealed more about the GOP than anything about Musk’s relationship with Trump and the two assholes’ day to-day as they steer the ship of state toward the rocks:
“Medicaid isn’t just for Black people in the ghetto, these are our voters.”
Think about that one for a second. It’s not that its existence runs completely contra to the party’s principles, that they only give a shit if it’s a sacred cow of the dregs of the “anti-socialist” MAGA base, or that they’re more quietly and subtly gutting it anyway. All that’s true enough.
But it’s the (apparently) unintentional implication that they would be more happily open about cutting it if it were “just for Black people in the ghetto,” that should really stick out here. Palmeri printed this on Thursday and, as far as the rest of the political media seems concerned, they don’t seem to have picked it up. That’s a fucking caustic quote and shows how well the Republicans understand the MAGA base and it SHOULD be getting more airtime than the zero it currently has.