Participants in a recent focus group of Michigan voters acted with alarm at convicted felon President Trump's first weeks back in office, with one calling the fat fuck's actions and behavior in public settings "so erratic, and it's getting to the point where I'm almost scared to watch the news. I mean, it's a little bit frightening 'cause each day is something new, so you get a little anxious."
Another Shannon B, of Livonia, said she doesn't "feel like he was this aggressive last time because I don't think anyone would've voted for him if they expected to see what we're seeing now." Phil L, of Dearborn Heights, was downright disturbed over the trade war shit, saying "I mean, Canada? When have we ever had issues with Canada? We barely have a border. You can go in and out of the country and a lot of places, a lot of states. I think we're just barking up the wrong tree with this."
Therese L, of Commerce Township, fumed over the viral image of a crowned Trump, the "long live the king" comment, saying "He who saves his country doesn't violate any law. He is acting like a dictator." Mike L, from the same town, said Trump "campaigned on lowering prices and making things more affordable for working-class people. He's moving in the opposite direction."
Malea H, of Clinton Township, said she fears "that this will eventually turn into a dictatorship… if the people that we elected to be his checks and balances don't check and balance him, then what are they there for?" A participant who does home remodeling was worried about tariffs jacking up the price of lumber and causing clients to drop renovation plans. Another one, who owns a weight loss business, said most clients work in the auto industry and a slowdown could hit her hard. One who works in the industry said she just got furloughed because "we are not building any cars right now."
The punchline and the reason the link isn't in the first paragraph as usual is that all 13 of these Axios focus groupers were Biden 2020 voters who switched to Trump, ten of whom Axios describes as having "said what they're seeing isn't what they thought they were voting for – and they're worried Trump's approach may hurt their pocketbooks." Key word being "their," of course.
"I was voting for him based off of the economy the first time around and I'm seeing a significant decline," said Samantha S, of Birmingham, skipping the 2020 economy. Another, Kate D, of Woodhaven said she "was expecting him to do things to better our country and I'm not seeing that."
Though 10 of the 13 expressed unhappiness with Trump's performance so far, more common in the group was lack of sincere remorse, as just one said they would've voted for Kamala Harris if they could do it over again. "Trump, we've gone through four years with him before - and it's just kind of just grin and bear it for another four," said Malea H, as if she didn't have any agency in November.
Focus group mod Rich Thau said "Just because these swing voters discovered they don't like the taste of wheatgrass juice, it doesn't mean they long to swallow castor oil," whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean to characterize these 12 inoperable tumors on the electorate.