At least six Russian tourists got OceanGated in the waters off the Egyptian Red Sea resort town of Hurghada on Thursday as a submarine operated by a local company called Sinbad tours sank during an excursion, the BBC reports citing Egyptian media and the Russian embassy in Cairo.
The vessel was carrying at least 45 people, with all of the passengers Russian. But like the 1990s comedian who shares the name with the sub’s owner, this isn’t funny. Or at least not as funny as the last time a sub full of Russians sank. Maybe the headline would’ve been better if the Pharaoh in the book of Exodus had been named, because that way the joke would’ve been about how now they know what he feels like being at the bottom of the Red Sea. “Six Russian tourists know how the Pharaoh feels now” was just too vague without an actual name for him. That Prince of Egypt movie called him Rameses II, but that was just dramatic license for a production that tried way too hard to be a Disney animated musical. Like if the market was there for it then Disney would’ve made it.
About that movie though: Why don’t you hear that many Jews claiming credit for building the pyramids? Are they too busy debunking other conspiracy shit about space lasers and what not that they haven’t gotten around to reclaiming their engineering achievement from aliens?