A resident of Sarah Palin breeding ground Wasilla, David Eastman is a lot of things, and none of them are good: Republican, Oath Keeper, January 6th participant, representative in the state legislature, defendant in a recently-settled lawsuit to determine his fitness for office, and now, the conservative who says children in need should die. Seriously. “Y’know, in the case where child abuse is fatal, it-it, obviously it’s not good for the child but it’s actually a benefit to society because there aren’t needed ser- government services, what not over the course of that child’s life.”
… to which the chair pipes up in disbelief: “Through the chair, di- did you say a benefit for society?” And Eastman responds, “Ah, talking dollars. You’ve got a $1.5 million price tag here for victims of fatal child abuse. Um, i-it gets argued periodically that it’s actually, ah, a cost savings because that child is not gonna need any of those government service that da might otherwise be entitled to receive and, and need based on, y’know, growing up in this type of environment.” And while the chair says he “doesn’t know how to respond to that,” he does a pretty good job of politely saying, “What the actual fuck, dude?”