Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis rebutted the attempt of one of the fake Republican electors to remove his case to federal court because, the defendant claims, he was working under the orders of the Trump campaign and was therefore acting as a federal official. Willis asserts the defendant, Shawn Still, essentially argues that the electors were just acting as electors, not attempting to actually be the state’s electors, a claim that falls short of what the group actually did.
Of course, this group of sham electors was anything but duly elected or qualified . Nevertheless, Defendant and his fellow conspirators then caused the false certificate to be sent to the President of the Senate, the Archives of the United States, the Georgia Secretary of State, and the Chief Judge of the Northern District of Georgia, as would be appropriate if the false slate of electors had been genuine. As alleged in the indictment, Defendant Still and his co-defendants were part of a conspiracy to subvert the electoral process. [Doc. 1-1], 30-32 (detailing scheme to have Trump elector nominees attempt to cast electoral votes in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, despite Trump’s loss in each of those states).
Perhaps taking a swipe at a one-time Georgian Republican Senate candidate, Texan Herschel Walker, Willis wrote, “Defendant’s argument is akin to claiming that a homemade badge could transform him into a genuine United States Marshal with all the powers afforded that position.”