“A President of the United States must have full immunity, without which it would be impossible for him/her to properly function. Any mistake, even if well-intended, would be met with almost certain indictment by the opposing party at term end. Even events that ‘cross the line’ must fall under total immunity, or it will be years of trauma trying to determine good from bad. There must be certainty.”
“Example: You can’t stop police from doing the job of strong and effective crime prevention because you want to guard against the occasional ‘rogue cop’ or ‘bad apple.’ Sometimes you just have to live with ‘great but slightly imperfect.’ All Presidents must have complete and total presidential immunity, or the authority and decisiveness of a President of the United States will be stripped and gone forever. Hopefully, this will be an easy decision. God bless the Supreme Court!” wrote disgraced former President Trump at 1:59 AM EST on Thursday. It was actually in all-caps but we had ChatGPT recompose it with normal casing as to not give readers a headache from the text-based screaming.
The “GOD BLESS THE SUPREME COURT!” part is a pretty unsubtle warning to the justices to intervene in his favor in the “presidential immunity” bullshit or else face his flying monkeys.