In a statement to the New York Post, “Iranians for Trump” co-founder Sarah Raviani says that when she called the cops on MAGA Florida Congressman Cory Mills on Wednesday, she had “reached out to law enforcement to address a personal matter. Several factors influenced my decision to involve the authorities. I had just returned from a 14-hour flight, severely jet-lagged and sleep-deprived.”
Okayyyyy. “Additionally, I had been drinking during my vacation and had a drink in front of me when the officers arrived, which contributed to my emotional state. Upon their arrival, they noticed some bruising and marks on my arms, which I explained were the result of medical conditions like eczema and activities from my recent trip to Dubai. While the personal matter in question was emotionally charged, there was no physical altercation. Regrettably, the situation has since been misrepresented by reporters and led to relentless harassment from various sources. Words have been taken out of context, and my privacy is being disregarded. This is a deeply personal matter that is being unfairly exploited for political purposes or other motives,” Raviani, 27, continued in the statement.
Lot to unpack here. First off that is not Mills’s wife who, worth noting here, is an Iraqi refugee. Some folks tend to gravitate towards certain “types,” and well, what kind of “personal matter” can one have with another woman’s husband? Second off, Politico has the same statement and while they did include the “jet-lagged” part, they did not print the entirety of a victim’s excuses for her accuser like the Post did here. Third off, who the fuck is “exploiting this for political purposes”? Is some Dem in Florida’s 7th District already firing up campaign ads here? Have some freaking self respect. Christ.
Oh and last off, Mills is still an incel, if only by the vibe he gives off, not to mention the fact that he would slap around a woman otherwise completely unattainable for him if not for being elected.