A new YouGov survey finds that, on the question of “Would you feel happy or unhappy if humans found proof that aliens exist?” a pretty solid plurality of British respondents at 47 percent said they would feel neither happy or unhappy should that proof emerge, with 32 percent saying they’d be happy, 13 percent saying they don’t know, and just 7 percent saying they’d be unhappy.
There’s a stark gender divide in which 42 percent of men said they’d be happy to 23 percent of women, though again both were pretty neutral at 43 and 50 percent of women saying “neither,” Women were slightly more preemptively unhappy about aliens at 10 percent to mens’ 6 percent.
In conclusion, the poll question was designed terribly as there was not enough specificity applied to “not happy,” which could mean a lot of different things, such as terrified for their lives, bored of all the media coverage, disgusted at their appearance, or simple xenophobia in which they’re already mentally prepared to come up with racial slurs to denigrate extraterrestrial visitors.