Little man Sohail Ahmadi, a fucking beast who has seen and been through more shit than ten grown candy-ass MAGA militia cosplayers, has been reunited with his grandfather in Kabul, Afghanistan, months after he was handed to US troops during the military’s chaotic withdrawal of the city in August, the Guardian reports. Sohail was found in the airport by a 29-year-old cab driver named Hamid Safi, who took care of him until a Reuters story featuring his relatives still in Kabul asking for information on his whereabouts was published in November. Hafi brought Sohail to the relatives, who are now looking to reunite him with his parents and siblings in the United States. Exactly how Sohail ended up with a random cab driver instead of on the evacuation flight to the US with his parents is not clear, but all’s well that ends well. Someone can always get fired for that later.