Seemingly fed up with the string of debunked accusations by former member of the Trump All-Star, Super Duper, Elite, Special Force Team of Legal Jeeeeeeeeniuses Sidney Powell, Dominion Voting Systems released a statement dismantling the accusations Powell has made in her Georgia court filings.
The statement gives fifteen points of fact that undermine Powell’s repeated claims that Dominion was in some way the mastermind of a massive scheme to flip votes to President-elect Joe Biden, erase votes for incumbent Donald Trump and automatically change totals to defeat Trump.
“In Powell’s error-filled document, she repeats a number of baseless allegations about Dominion Voting Systems, which she has made in public since Election Day,” Dominion stated.
Dominion pointed out that their election systems were used in 29 states, not just Georgia or other states Trump claims were fraudulently declared for Biden. It also noted that their systems were independently certified by an oversight board.
“Dominion’s systems are secure as certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). In fact, all voting systems must provide assurance that they work accurately and reliably as intended under federal U.S. EAC and state certification and testing requirements,” the statement says. “Further, Dominion source code is verified and secure. Third-party test labs chosen by the bipartisan U.S. EAC and accredited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) perform complete source code reviews on every tabulation system that is federally certified in the U.S.”
The statement goes on to debunk Powell’s claims about its ownership, to deny any connection to Smartmatic, to mock claims that ballots were sent out of the country to be counted, and to note that its counts were supported by hand-counts of paper ballots.
Read Dominion’s complete 15 points here.