On Thursday the semi-sovereign megacorporation Disney announced a new animated film Lightyear by its studio Pixar, scheduled for 2022 and centered on the iconic character Buzz Lightyear from the Toy Story series of films. No specifics were given besides that Trump-supporting Republican actor Tim Allen would not be voicing the role he originated in the 1995 original film and reprised another 3 times over a quarter of a century, but to the not-Trump-supporting Democrat actor Chris Evans, most famous for his role as Captain America in Disney’s Marvel films. Now, it appears that the film is not a sequel to Toy Story, but a universe-within-a-universe from which the Buzz Lightyear toy’s design was based off of. Buzz Lightyear is actually a spaceman and not an action figure that thinks he’s a spaceman in this new film.
Blasting into theaters June 17, 2022, Lightyear is the definitive story of the original Buzz Lightyear. Voiced by Chris Evans, get ready to go to “infinity and beyond” with Lightyear.🚀 👨🚀 pic.twitter.com/DBqk3cTXbt
— Toy Story (@toystory) December 11, 2020
But that doesn’t explain why Tim Allen was fired. He last voiced Buzz Lightyear in 2019’s Toy Story 4. It’s not like he’s too old to read his lines in a recording studio. We have the MAGA kids constantly complaining about some conspiracy in Hollywood against them and this sure as hell won’t do anything to calm them down. So let’s just operate under assumption that this casting change had something to do with politics and have a good laugh about it.