“Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson pushed for the use of hydroxychloroquine in Covid-19 patients – earning some skepticism from Fox Business anchor Neil Cavuto. Cavuto asked Carson about the coronavirus vaccine, noting warnings surrounding the Johnson & Johnson shot and questioning how that will impact the rollout plan, especially considering people are already hesitant to get vaccinated. ‘We’ve made enormous progress on the vaccine front,’ said the former neurosurgeon. ‘However, because we’ve allowed politics to be injected into it, I think a lot of people are skeptical about what they hear from the NIH, from the CDC, from various – quote – authorities'” reports Mediaite.
“‘It’s hurting us as a nation,’ he continued. ‘We as a nation, for instance, wanted to be focused only on one thing: vaccinations. There were people telling us, you know, there are other kinds of things that work. Hydroxychloroquine. You know, you look at the Western African countries along the coast. When you go there, you know, you have to take hydroxychloroquine or other antimalarials. Interestingly enough, their instance of Covid-19 is tremendously less than ours. Is that a coincidence? I don’t think so.’ Yes, Carson is still pushing hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19, even as legitimate vaccines are clearly working to fight the virus. Cavuto quickly refuted Carson’s claim on the drug – citing studies into its effectiveness. ‘Medical experts have looked at that, doctor, as you know, and poo-pooed that connection,’ Cavuto pushed back before trying to shift the focus back to the coronavirus vaccine.”