Ben Raymond, co-founder of the British Neo-Nazi group National Action has been found guilty of continuing to operate the organization after it was banned, the BBC reports. Raymond was sentenced to eight years in prison plus two years supervised release after he was convicted in the Bristol Crown Court of violating the Terrorism Act of 2000, as well as possessing a manifesto by Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik and a manual on how to build homemade explosives. Judge Christopher Parker QC told Raymond he was especially dangerous for his work as propaganda chief for the MAGA-like organization, and “grooming” young people to join Raymond’s “white jihad”.
“You intended that the material should be used in order to recruit new members, and specifically new young members,” Parker said. “In effect these young people were at risk of being groomed by your material to commit acts of extreme racial violence [with] which National Action no doubt had sympathy.” Raymond is the 17th NA member to be convicted of defying the ban on the group.