Wisconsin MAGA Karen and ivermectin superfan Karen Mueller is entering the primary race for state attorney general on a platform of promising to investigate six unnamed hospitals for refusing to prescribe the miracle horse paste to COVID-19 patients, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports.
Karen, who represented the Trump campaign in one of its many, many failed lawsuits to overturn the 2020 election in Wisconsin and also wrote a memo in favor of Republican state Assemblyman and gov candidate Timothy Ramthun’s batshit attempt to “decertify” the 2020 election in the state, refused to disclose to the Journal-Sentinel the names of the hospitals she wants to fuck up for trusting the science on ivermectin. Karen’s only current competition in the Republican primary for Wisconsin Attorney General is Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney after University of Wisconsin-Madison law professor Ryan Owens dropped out in October for committing thoughtcrimes against the MAGA Reich such as praising Dem Gov Tony Evers’ COVID-19 response.
The best part of Karen’s campaign promise to go after hospitals is that sort of thing is supposed to be a big no-no in MAGA world since, as Trump claims, New York Attorney General Leticia James is an evil racist for promising to investigate the Trump family while campaigning for the office in 2018 – and then doing exactly that when she was elected. It’s polticially biased or something.