“At my hearing, is [the magistrate judge] would not let me make a phone call to get legal advice at that point,” grumpy old white man who was arrested for thinking he’s above the law Peter Navarro whine on a Newsmax show hosted by serial sexual harrasser Eric Bolling. “I was denied legal advice until right before I got before that magistrate. Right off the bat, that, you, like… Look, illegal aliens, everything from illegal aliens to al Qaeda terrorists were treated better than I was that day. [Bolling utters a supportive “Yeah,” to Navarro’s absurd comparison.]. I get to the jail cell and it’s like leg irons, handcuffs, strip-searched, no food, no water, no access to anything. Solitary confinement, and [laugh wheeze] it’s just like, I’m thinkin’ to myself, this, this feels like Stalinist Russia or Mao Zedong, Xi Jinping China, and make no mistake about this…”
Navarro fails to understand that many al Qaeda terrorists were tortured at the hands of American officials. They were denied trials, held in solitary for years without any adjudication, restrained naked on a box, and not given bail. So his four- to six-hour stay in custody, after which he was released so he could appear on television, doesn’t seem that much of an inconvenience for the über-offended Navarro.