Dane County Wisconsin Judge Frank Remington on Wednesday accused fat former state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman of professional misconduct over his “disruptive and disrespectful” appearance in court last week when Gableman refused to answer questions in a lawsuit over his fake investigation into the 2020 election in the state failing to comply with public records laws, fining the MAGA conspiracy theorist $2,000 a day until he mans up and testifies, the AP reports.
Remington also referred Gableman to the Wisconsin State Bar for mocking the judge and the plaintiff’s attorney on a hot mic during a recess in court last week, calling Gableman’s behavior “affront to the judicial process and an insult” to Christa Westerberg, counsel for watchdog group American Oversight. Gableman apparently implied Westerberg and the judge were having sex in the chambers during the recess. “The sophomoric innuendo about Atty. Westerberg coming back to chambers is a sad reminder that in 2022, woman lawyers still have to do more than be excellent at their job,” the judge wrote in his order. “The circus Gableman created in the courtroom destroyed any sense of decorum and irreparably damaged the public’s perception of the judicial process.”
Gableman, hired by the state Assembly GOP in 2021 at the commands of the Orange Allah, still collects a $5,500 per month salary for “investigating” the 2020 election, at Wisconsin taxpayers’ expense. He maintains that the election can be “decertified”, in spite of discernible reality.