Only in Florida would a mother–supposedly concerned about her children’s education and safety–write an editorial for the local praising the Proud Boys as “concerned fathers” for attending local school board meetings to yell against things like CRT, LGBTQ and apparently higher IQs.
In an op/ed for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Karen Melissa Radovich, “a mom who will do what is best for my kids,” says that a local school board candidate criticizing Proud Boys attending a meeting with a Sarasota School Board members is off base.
“When I think about the Proud Boys, I think of fathers, business owners and veterans. These fathers have spoken at many School Board meetings,” Radovich wrote seriously. “They are concerned about the direction that their local schools are heading in, and I commend them for coming to School Board meetings.”
Radovich listed four things she liked about the Proud Boys that the liberal school board candidate doesn’t: “They are opposed to abortion; they stand for America and freedom, and against communist organizations; they believe that discussions of homosexuality are best left to parents, and that this is an issue of parental rights; and they stand against medical mandates, such as the illegal mask mandate in Sarasota County.”
Radovich failed to mention that the Proud Boys are currently under indictment for a criminal conspiracy to undermine the Constitution of the United States, conveniently.