A report published Monday by the Wisconsin Elections Commission found that county clerks in the state referred a total of 10 cases of possible voter fraud to district attorneys after the 2020 election, the Wisconsin Examiner reports on an excruciatingly predictable development.
We’ve said this before but it bears repeating: Take what Alex Jones says about the Sandy Hook massacre, that it was a false flag staged by shadowy pro-gun control forces to provide an impetus for depriving Americans of their constitutional liberties. That the kids killed were “crisis actors” and the whole thing was bogus – never mind that gun control never actually happened and it was only the Uvalde massacre nearly ten years later that brought modest reform.
That’s basically what Republicans are doing with voting. They make up this false attack on elections because their guy lost to justify cracking down on the most basic of civil liberties. All of the “2000 Mules” and “Stop the Steal” bullshit is a self-sustaining permission structure to make it harder to vote and easier to justify voiding election results that don’t go their way. There’s no simpler way of putting it. MAGA Nation doesn’t want democracy, they want authority.