“Wisconsin’s 63rd Assembly District has a rising patriotic candidate named Adam Steen, who is running against the RINO Speaker of the Assembly, Robin Vos. Although Vos claims to be a Republican, he is constantly fighting America First efforts and policies. Our great slogan, Make America Great Again, is not exactly high on his list! Robin Vos supports substantially increasing Wisconsin’s gas tax, a terrible move that will seriously hurt the State’s residents.”
“He is also demanding the turning of Wisconsin’s public highways into toll roads as an easy, but painful, way of raising funds. As Speaker of the Assembly, Robin Vos consistently blocked efforts at conducting a full cyber forensic audit of the 2020 Election. In fact, his appointee to study Election Fraud in Wisconsin, highly-respected Justice Michael Gableman, found massive Election-changing fraud, abuse, and irregularities. Despite hearing this powerful evidence, Vos refused to do anything to right the wrongs that were done. Vos let the big Supreme Court victory become just another story. Interestingly, Justice Gableman has strongly endorsed Adam Steen. Janel Brandtjen, the Chairwoman of the Wisconsin Assembly’s Election Committee, has also endorsed Steen, because Vos has blocked all of her efforts to secure the State’s Elections,” proclaimed the Orange God Emperor in a statement on Tuesday, finally making good his threat to try to destroy the career of a weakling who did everything he could to appease him all the same as he did to Vos’s counterpart in Arizona, Rusty Bowers, who at least had the balls to testify against the Donald.