The would-be first-ever Confederate-themed superhero movie “Rebel’s Run” has gone to shit as $1 million of the movie’s financing crowdfunded from backers has disappeared in China and the banker who was supposed to help get it made faces a federal indictment, the Daily Beast reports. “I wouldn’t count on us getting the money back,” MAGA blogger and Rebel’s Run creator Theodore Beale told investors and fans in a video last week. Stupid story short, Beale dumped all of the money with Utah-based Ohana Capital Financial, which billed itself as “banking [to] the unbankable.” Ohana’s founder, James Wolfgramm went ahead and pissed all of that money away to pay off a $4 million debt to another client in a Chinese medical equipment racket.
“I strongly suspect that this whole thing was a targeted operation intended to break our community,” Beale told his fans because that’s always the real reason and it could never ever be that he’s the one who fucked up and trusted a scam artist without doing his due diligence.