The right wing school board takeover crusade which did more than anything else to propel Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin into office in 2021 largely fell flat with voters outside of Florida and Texas in 2022, an AP analysis found. Out of 50 candidates backed by the 1776 Project PAC, just about a third won last Tuesday, while only about half of the 250 endorsees of batshit cult “Moms for Liberty” won, which is kind of underwhelming given the issue’s salience last year.
“The messaging needs to be more positive,” Ryan Girdusky, founder of the 1776 Project PAC said. “Sometimes you lose moderate voters because you’re too hyperbolic and you’re not speaking truth to something very local to them,” without realizing that the screaming hyperbole for banning books and Critical Race Theory was the only thing than got them attention in the first place.