A three-judge panel on the Arizona Court of Appeals on Tuesday denied state GOP Chairhag “Chemtrails” Kelli Ward’s attempt to ban mail-in voting in the state, rejecting the crazy asshole’s argument that the practice violates constitutional requirment for a secret ballot, KAWC reports.
Ward’s lawyer had argued the requirement “that secrecy in voting shall be preserved” was impossible to meet if there isn’t an election official present to observe the voter casting a ballot, which doesn’t make any fucking sense but they still tried to sell it anyway. Judge Cynthia Bailey disagreed, ruling that the safeguards in place in the no-excuse early voting system Arizonans have enjoyed since 1991 were more than suffice. Chemtrails Kelli vowed to appeal to the state Supreme Court as if she hadn’t already wasted enough taxpayer time on this stupid bullshit.