Officials with the British Transport Police on Friday released images of a female suspect wanted in connection with a heinous sexual assault on a male victim at the Euston Underground station in East London on April 14th. “At around 9pm, a man was traveling on the escalator when a woman tried to link arms with him. When he pulled his arm away, she sexually assaulted him,” says the BTP’s report.
CCTV image of the sexual predator
“The woman, who was traveling with a friend, then left the escalator and boarded a tube. Officers would like to speak to the woman in these images, as they believe she has information which may assist the investigation. Anyone with information can contact BTP by calling 0800 40 50 40 or texting 61016 with reference 450 of 15 April,” the report continued, carrying with it an obvious urgency that the suspect must be apprehended before she strikes again.