Legendarily uncourageous Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy took a beating on Tuesday after the Trump regime found his lack of faith disturbing, Politico Playbook reports on the fallout from McCarthy’s ill-advised “Can he win that election? Yeah, he can win that election. The question is: ‘Is he the strongest to win the election?’ I don’t know that answer,” interview on CNBC.
Even McCarthy’s frenzied damage control re-do with Breitbart later in the day and personal apology call to Trump did little to temper the anger in the Orange God Emperor’s court. Worse, a fundraising email McCarthy sent out calling Donald the “strongest candidate” managed to piss Trump off even more, as “fundraising off of Trump’s name without permission is a huge no-no for the former president,” per Politico. “If Donald Trump wanted… he could have [McCarthy] out as speaker by the end of the week,” one GOP consultant unambiguously warned the hapless weakling.