A columnist at far right website PJ Media this week argued to readers that impeaching President Biden without any evidence of crimes could backfire on the GOP help him win reelection in 2024.
“Now before you flame me in the comments as an impeachment wimp, Dear Reader, let me preface this by saying as a conservative American voter, I want the despicable and traitorous Joseph R Biden to be impeached as much as the next guy,” writes PJ’s Gwendolyn Sims, emphasis ours on the bizarre self-misgendering. Sims is by all appearances a biological woman and identifies as such.
“This isn’t the most strategic time to hold the impeachment itself if the inquiry turns up no direct evidence or even simply more circumstantial evidence because it will fail. If GOP leadership bends to the pressure to impeach with weak evidence, it would be a major tactical error for the 2024 election, prompting complacent Democratic voters to become energized,” Sims continued.
She keeps going with it. “There’s more at stake with impeachment than the safety and stability of the republic and mitigating the damage Biden has done; there’s also the timing of Election 2024 to consider. If 2020 taught us anything, it taught us the Democrats will turn out if they’re angry and afraid enough ‘for muh democracy.’ So why wouldn’t Biden’s sycophantic voters be more likely to come out en masse infuriated by a weak and ‘unfair’ attack on their Dear Decrepit Leader?”
First off, LOL at the “muh democracy.” Doesn’t quite have the same ring as when libs would joke like “muh caravans” or “muh pronouns.” Nice to know that MAGA media “guys” have the same derision for the foundational principle of our nation as lefty trolls do for stupid bullshit hyped on Fox News.
Second, and to the same point: If she’s worried impeaching Biden is going to get Dem voters to turn out for “muh democracy” what the hell does she think is going to happen in the all-but certain event disgraced former President Trump becomes the GOP nominee? “It’s clear that the path to victory in 2024 is not giving the Dems a reason to turn out,” Sims writes, ignoring the fat orange elephant in the room that will be more than enough reason with or without a pointless Biden impeachment trial.
We hope Sims is right and that if Biden is impeached it backfires the way Trump’s fanboys said his first one in 2019 was supposed to do. It’s just the whole piece is stupidly premised, like she’s afraid of awakening a dragon – and that dragon won’t wake up on its own when threatened by something far worse than simply a Biden impeachment trial that ends in acquittal. “If 2020 taught us not to piss off the Left just before an election,” she writes, as if that lesson is going to go heeded.