Remember hydroxychloroquine, the COVID miracle cure that fat former President Trump hyped during the height of the pandemic and loved by millions of right wingers until got replaced by the even more miraculous horse paste ivermectin? No? Well we don’t blame you because a lot of other stupid shit happened in the nearly four years since the heady days of the hydroxychloro-craze, like Dr Seuss books getting cancelled and Mr Potato Head losing his genitals and Herschel Walker…
Anyway, Politico EU reports that French researchers estimate that 16,990 people in France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Turkey and the United States died from having taken the malaria drug between March and July 2020, with the research team from having extrapolated that figure from a prior study on randomized mortality outcomes. The French team’s new paper stresses that the death toll they arrived at is almost certainly a lowball given the limited time and geographic scope.
“What do you have to lose? Take it,” then-President Trump said on April 6th, 2020.